AJKU Economic Of Pakistan Old Paper Suply 2o14 For B.com Part 2

1. Define Economic Development. Discuss only the economic factors that have solved Pakistan's economic development.
2. What are the Reasons of Pakistan's adverse balance of payments? How can we overcome such problems?
3. What is agricultural finance? What are the major sources of agricultural finance in Pakistan?
4. What is the difference in Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment? Provide policy guidelines to Pakistan Government to improve the unfavorable balance of payments.
5. Discuss the role of Banking sector in a developing country like Pakistan. are they important for economic development
6. What is meant by human capital? what are the Problems of Human Capital in an LDC's Pakistan?
7. What is the Importance of the small scale and the Cottage industries in Pakistan? discuss their Problems and Remedies.
8. Write notes any TWO of the following
A. Industrial development bank of Pakistan
B. Pakistan's Trade Policy
C. Terrorism and Economic Development
D. Pakistan's Agricultural Marketing.
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